Allergies and Baking

Allergies and baking A new law was brought in last week called Natasha’s law. Natasha Ednan-Laperouse sadly died in 2016 of anaphylaxis after eating a baguette containing sesame. Her parents campaigned for this law.  All businesses in the UK that make food items are affected by the changes. More details are on the link below. […]

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Tips on collecting and delivering cakes

Collecting and delivering cakes? How many times have I heard from people and seen on Facebook  cakes that have collapsed or fallen over? When this happens you have to think about what has happened. I remember years ago It was my daughter’s party and a friend of hers had the cake in the back […]

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Adult Learners Week

ADULT LEARNERS WEEK It is adult learners week, a bit later than last year, some venues this year are showing online video’s and others have face to face demonstrations going on I have been delivering sugarcraft classes for over 20 years and how it has changed. When I first started teaching in 1996 the learners […]

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Cupcake making, recipe and cake toppers

Cupcakes can be fun to make and decorate. You can have all different flavours including chocolate, plain vanilla, rainbow, etc. They can also be decorated in different ways for instance buttercream swirls, rosettes, shells, etc, and in different colours which is the in thing to do now with a small number of sprinkles on. You […]

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Food Safety in Catering

Hello, I want to take some time and talk about FOOD SAFETY, which is very important in the preparing and serving of food. What is FOOD SAFETY?? It means keeping food safe and clean when preparing, handling, cooking, and serving food. Food Safety is important as you don’t want to be the cause of food […]

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Easy Chicken Chasseur Recipe for Beginners

I love  cooking and making chicken chasseur and find it really easy to make. Some people detest cooking and think that is is a chore and maybe would buy chicken chasseur and other meals from a shop, that is not a problem as everybody is different. Some people look at a recipe in a cookery […]

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What you need to know before pricing cakes

  How many times have you heard how much or that is expensive?? A lot of people have problems pricing cakes as they are in direct competition with others. Your time and bakes is really important. A lot of people don’t know how much a cake can cost, some compare it to supermarket prices. You […]

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Tips for baking in hot weather

We have had some really hot weather in the last 2 weeks. Totally different for where I come from rainy Wales. We do get sun but it doesn’t usually get this hot or stay sunny this long. We have had a weather warning for the first time in the heat apart form the beast from […]

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90th Birthday cake

  I had to share this beautiful bespoke 90th birthday cake with you. Celebrating a birthday at any age is great but reaching 90 is a milestone birthday which is fantastic. When this client contacted me to make this cake he only asked for 2 things, for it to be a gardening theme with flowers […]

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