Why are cakes so expensive to buy? This is the question cakemakers get asked regularly, so I thought I would give you a rundown of what is involved in making a cake. People say they can buy a cake from a supermarket for £10, yes you can but you can also buy a cheap pair […]
What is a crumb coat?
What is a crumb coat? People ask me this in my classes all the time. What is a crumb coat and why do we do it? Have you ever had a crummy cake? What that means is you are putting the buttercream onto the sides and top of the cake and the cake is too […]
Beginners guide to cake decorating
Beginners guide to cake decorating Cakes fondant, buttercream, or chocolate drip? So what is the difference between them, which are more popular? Fondant cakes Firstly you fill the cake with a little jam and buttercream. A crumb coating is next to stop the crumbs from going all over the cake, thus the name, then refrigerate […]
New cake ideas from Confectionery and Training
New cake ideas from confectionery and Training The world is changing and so must I to keep up to date with new cake ideas at confectionery and training. Cupcakes are still in as are different flavours. Chocolate drip cakes are still popular with lots of chocolate on as well as prosecco and Gin. See below. […]
National Herbs and Spices Day
National Herbs and Spices Day Confectionery and Training Herb – any plant with flowers, seeds or leaves. and can be used for medicinal purposes, perfume, flavouring, or used in foods. What are the most common herbs??? Can you guess?? They are Basil, Cilantro, Mint, Oregano, Italian Parsley, Rosemary, Dill, Sage, Curly Parsley, and Thyme. What […]
National gardening day
National gardening day Some people love gardening and some people hate it. I love gardening but the downside is it takes time to do things and costs money. The good thing is that it can be relaxing, great to be outside in the fresh air. With the cost of living at the moment people are […]
International day of pink
International Day of Pink Today is the International Day of pink https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/day-of-pink/ The International Day of Pink is set up as an International Day against bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and transmisogyny in cities and towns all across the world. (taken from the website above) I love the colour pink, my favourite colour. What does the […]
Differences between royal icing, buttercream and fondant icing
Differences between royal icing, buttercream, and fondant icing I teach cake decorating classes and get asked by new students what is the difference between the different mediums that we use. I thought I would share this useful information with you ICING SUGAR This contains an anti-caking agents and calcium phosphates. This can be used to […]
National chocolate cake day
So it’s national chocolate cake day today. Do you like chocolate cake or do you find it too rich? I feel if you put some raspberry jam in the filling before the chocolate buttercream it doesn’t taste as sickly. My favourite is white chocolate and raspberry cake with a plain sponge, not chocolate, not too […]
Cake trends 2023
Cake trends 2023 Hey it’s 2023 already happy new year to you all I have been reading about the trends for 2023, useful reading So the cake trends of 2023 are Fake bakes so buy a supermarket cake and decorate it yourself. Yes, it can be done but will taste different from a home-baked one. […]